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How it works?

  • You select two toys each shipment
  • We mail cleaned & sanitized toys
  • Play & return, keep toys you like
  • No charge for normal wear
  • Pick
    From Range of Toys
  • Enjoy
    As long as you want
  • Return & Repeat
    Easy Cancellation

Personalized For Your Child

Our child development experts curate toys that foster important skills. We assign a point system to each toy which correspond with the skills it develops. We recommend the best toy based on your child’s age and play preference and share with you their progress.

See How Your Child Grows!

When joining CurioKid you can see how our toys and activities improves your child's skills overtime
Fine Motor Skills Gross Motor Skills Play and Social Self Care Development Sensory Processing Development Speech Sounds Development
Description Finger and hand skills such as writing, cutting, and tying shoelaces....Read More Skills which require whole body movement and which involve the large (core stabilising) muscles of the body to...Read More Play is voluntary engagement in self motivated activities that are normally associated with pleasure and enjoyment....Read More Everyday tasks undertaken to be ready to participate in life activities (including dressing, eating, cleaning teeth and more.)....Read More Sensory Processing, or Integration as it is also known, is the effective registration ...Read More Articulation is the production and clarity of how speech sounds are produced. These typically occur in a sequential process as outlined below.
0-6 months Reflexive grasp Ineffective reach for objects (3 months) Voluntary grasp (3 months) Controlled reach (6 months) Rolls over front to back and back to front Sits with support and then independently Establishes eye contact for a few seconds Responds with a smile when socially approached Laughs in response...Read More Tracking objects with eyes Coordinating swallow, breath sequence, Communicating hunger, fear or discomfort through crying Recognizes scent of mother Hearing is mature Tracks objects with eyes Responds to sounds and voice Cooing sounds (e.g. 'oo', 'ee', 'ah'), turns towards sounds Eye contact when hear speaking or certain sounds
6-12 months Reaches, grasps, puts object in mouth Controlled release of objects Picks things up with pincer grasp Drops and picks up toy Crawls forwards on belly Assumes a seated position unaided Transitions into different positions: sitting, all fours, lying on tummy Plays peek-a-boo Participates in clapping when prompted Extends toys to others Places doll with head upright and vertical to the ground Playing for 2-3 minutes with a single toy Reaching for nearby objects Holding bottle/cup independently Using tongue to move food around mouth Imitates gestures Opens mouth to be fed Tolerates a range of different textured foods Drinks from a cup Baby starts to babble and repeat sounds (e.g. '"baba')
Age 1 Builds tower of three blocks Puts four rings on stick Places five pegs in pegboard Turns pages two or three at a time Sits, crawls, walks Still has wide gait but walking/running is less clumsy Pushes against a ball (does not actually kick it) Has toy preferences Likes repetitive actions such as putting objects in and out of boxes...Read More Looking in the right spot for hidden objects Playing next to children Has an awareness ...Read More Distinguishes between edible and inedible objects (18 months) Enjoys messy...Read More The child is able to say the following sounds in words- /p/, /b/, /m/
Age 2 Turns single pages Snips with scissors Uses one hand consistently in most activities ...Read More Walks smoothly and turns corners Begins running Is able to pull or carry a toy while walking Picks up toys from the floor without falling over Has a strong sense of ownership Treats doll or teddy as if it is alive Plays alongside others but will not play together ...Read More Sitting to look at a book independently Engaging in imaginative play ...Read More Uses toilet with assistance and has daytime control Pays attention for 3 minutes ...Read More The child is able to say the following sounds in words- /n/, /t/, /d/
Age 3 Builds tower of nine small blocks Copies circle Manipulates clay material...Read More Stands on one foot for up to 5 seconds Kicks a ball forwards Throws a ball overarm Catches a ball that ...Read More Begins taking turns and negotiating Plays together with shared aims of play with others Usually prefers playing...Read More Using a napkin to wipe face and hands Settling themselves to sleep at night Independently packing items away...Read More Can count 1-10 Knows shapes Develops friendships Expresses emotions Able to follow rules Able to sit and pay attention e.g. mat time The child is able to say the following sounds in words - /p/, /b/, /m/, /n/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/, /f/, /s/, /y/, /h/, ...Read More
Age 4 Cuts on line continuously Copies cross Copies square Writes name Writes numbers 1-5 Copies letters Handedness well established Dresses and undresses independently Stands on one foot for up to 5 seconds Kicks a ball forwards Throws a ball overarm ...Read More Begins taking turns and negotiating Plays together with shared aims of play with others ...Read More Using a napkin to wipe face and hands Settling themselves to sleep at night Independently packing items away ...Read More Can count 1-10 Knows shapes Develops friendships Expresses emotions Able to follow rules Able to sit and pay attention e.g. mat time The child is able to say the following sounds in words - /p/, /b/, /m/, /n/, /t/, /d/, ...Read More
Age 5 Cuts out simple shapes Copies triangle Colors within lines Pastes and glues appropriately Walks backward toe-heel Jumps forward 10 times without falling Hangs from a bar for at least 5 seconds Catches a small ball using hands only Play themes include themes never personally experienced Plays and negotiates with others during play Play is well organised Dressing independently Feeding self without difficulty Expressing emotions ...Read More Able to write numbers and letters Begins to be able to write simple sentences Knows left and right Begins to reason and argue; uses words like why and because Speech should be mostly clear and easy to understand, but some mis-articulations may still be noted(e.g. with 'r' and 'th' sounds)
Age 6 Can build Lego, knex and other blocks independentlyForms most letters and numbers correctly Writes consistently on the lines Demonstrates controlled pencil movement Able to walk on a balance beam Able to skip using a skipping rope Demonstrates mature throwing and catching patterns Mature jumping Enjoys playing in small groups and making up their own games ...Read More Independently getting self to sleep and sleeping through the night. ...Read More "Forms numbers and letters correctly Recognises others perspective Develops a longer attention span Are willing to take on more responsibility (i.e. chores) "
Age 7 Maintains legibility of handwriting for entirety of a story Likes to play with other children of their own gender Continue to expand the complexity of Play based on more complex rules and scenerios Remembering a sentence to write that was just thought about or told Sitting still ...Read More Begin to show a preference for learning style. Can solve simple math problems using objects (such as counting beads). Able to say all of the speech sounds in words with no noticeable errors
Age 8 Can dress, brush their teeth and do their hair without help. ...Read More Increased strength in the large muscles of the arms and legs. Enhanced stamina, coordination and reaction time. ...Read More Play is becoming more creative. Can think about several things at once and follow fairly complicated instructions. ...Read More Can handle most of the self care activities and begin to plan for future activities Begin developing and enhancing their learning styles absorbing more information in the preferred style
Age 9-10 Continue to advance their fine motor skills, such as those needed for clearer handwriting and detailed artwork. Mastering video games controllers Think independently. Most children are improving their decision-making skills. ...Read More Like organization and planning, such as making plans ahead of time with friends. Knows that objects have uses and can be classified into different ...Read More

View Toys By Age

Kid's Play Toys

0-12 Months

During this adventurous period, your baby's development is focused on exploration and self-discovery.

Age 1

Experience your toddler's cognitive skills, language skills and fine motor skills developing.

Book Toys

Age 2

Developments can be seen with cognitive skills. Matching, grouping, sorting & solving advanced puzzles along with the ability to relate to real-world situations.

Kid's Play Toys

Age 3

Your preschooler is developing socially and continues to advance their story-telling capabilities, memory, grouping and creativity.

Kid's Play Toys

Age 4

Social play, reasoning and long-term memory become more vital at this age including listening & communication, classification and visual perception.

Kid's Play Toys

Age 5

Play themes include never experienced themes (such as going to outer space). Organizes and negotiates with others during play.

Kid's Play Toys

Age 6

Your school aged child can now play in small groups and make up their own games with rules. Play with outdoor social toys.

Kid's Play Toys

Age 7-8

Your child likes to play with other children and expands the complexity of STEM Play based on more complex rules scenarios.

Kid's Play Toys

Age 9-10

Developments can be seen with enhanced stamina, coordination and reaction time. Electronic toys are appropriate to develop STEM curiosity.
